Dutch Conversation Night
Practise Dutch with fellow ‘Dutch learners’!
Want to enjoy a fun night out where you can practise your Dutch skills and meet new people? Join the free Dutch Conversation Night. Forget about ‘fouten maken’ and enjoy making Dutch conversation with other Dutch learners. We'll do some fun activities such as 'Two Truths and one Lie' and 'Guess who I am' in Dutch while enjoying some drinks and bites. Join us!
When: 13 October from 7.30 – 9.00 p.m.
Where: In De Ruimte (click here for the address)
Participation is free
When registering for the event, keep the following in mind:
- In accordance with the Dutch COVID-19 measures, you need to show a corona pass to enter the location (proof of vaccination or a negative covid test).
- We have a limited number of participants. If you have registered but can't make it please send us a message at iwc@utrechtregion.com. We'd really appreciate if you'd give us a heads up so we can make space for others.
- Please share your current Dutch level (A, B or C) with us when filling out the registration form so we can create levelled groups.
The UR-Glocal ambassadors and the International Welcome Centre team will host this evening and are looking forward to ‘het Nederlands spreken met jullie!’