Utrecht International Center
Moving abroad and building a new life is an exciting, life-changing experience. But dealing with a different country and a foreign language and culture can be daunting. Where do you begin? And who do you go to with your questions? The Utrecht International Center, formerly known as the International Welcome Centre Utrecht Region, is here to help you settle in. We offer a number of services to assist you during your arrival and stay, and redirect you to reliable service providers in a wide variety of sectors to help you out.
IND (permit) Civil affairs (registration) Information desk FAQ
Our services
Relocation app
Check out the Welcome to NL Relocation App: the app to make your move to the Utrecht region as smooth as possible. It includes all the steps you will have to take so you know what to arrange before your move to the Netherlands, upon your arrival and when settling in.
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Our partners
Are you looking for reliable service providers who are familiar with your needs and offer high-quality services in English? Our partners can help you out.
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Contact us
The Utrecht International Center is open four days a week to help you ease into your new life. Click the link below to find our visiting address, opening hours and contact information. And find answers to the most common asked questions in our FAQ.

UR-Glocal Ambassador Club
Meet the UR-Glocal ambassadors: global citizens with a local perspective who work on fun and inspiring projects to further improve Utrecht region as a welcoming place for internationals.
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